The freight finally arrived this morning, and we worked feverishly to unload, label, and then reload all the boxes. By the time we were done the pile of boxes resembled The Wall in size and temperature (its flipping cold in the Midwest), if not in material.
So at this point, all domestic orders have shipped, and all International orders have shipped. There were a few exceptions but we emailed those individuals.
This is awesome news, thanks Valyrian!
Excellent. Thank you, Valyrian Steel! I am close to putting a chalk line on my wall in anticipation!
Woot! Its left the US! Delighted this is coming. was getting a bit worried there for a bit.
At 12th January I got an empty (without message body, without subject) from
Can you confirm, that my order is on the way?
At 12th January I got an empty email (without message body, without subject) from
Can you confirm, that my order is on the way?
I got the same empty email, but pretty sure my sword is waiting at the post office. As I haven’t ordered anything else and got a package slip today.
Yes, and greg, wow, that was quick. You must be just over the border.
Is there a way to track the shipped sword? (I’ve received the empty mail few days ago, so I believe the sword must be somewhere)
I received an e-mail from usps with tracking number and the same empty message from valyrian…
Now the tracking service says that the item left US…
I hope to receive the sword in this week…
I got that empty e-mail some time ago, also. I presumed it was some glitch in the system. says that my sword left Chicago last night. Being in Ireland, I’d expect it to take a week, if not more. Maybe. I’d hope for the end of the week, being an optimistic sort of guy!
I’m expecting mine to get stuck in UK customs for a week or so whilst they get round to working out how much tax to charge. Still waiting for them to process a parcel they received in the middle of last week.
As long as it’s here by the end of the month I will be happy
Arrived Abroad, January 19, 2009, 2:29 pm, BELGIUM
Into Foreign Customs, January 19, 2009, 2:29 pm, BELGIUM
I’m a happy bee
Got the same message as Miguel, except for Ireland.
This is all taking place faster than I anticipated! We’ll see how long it takes for Customs to deal with now…
Well mine being an APO address it ships to NY, then here. It wasn’t the sword today… silly post office issued 2 slips for the same package :p
Mine arrived – looks great!
I just got the one I ordered today and it is sooooo amazing its not even funny!! I bought it for my boiyfriend and it looks awesome on his wall!!! Thank you so much, it was worth the wait!
Got mine today. Its great! Its way bigger than i expected it to be.
Does this mean I can come to Lansing and pick mine up now?
USPS tracking says they attempted delivery yesterday, although there was somebody in all day, so don’t know why we didn’t see them. Anyway, hoping it will come today and very excited.
Got mine today here in the UK via APO.
Amazing sword, will be posting a review
I received mine yesterday, and it’s absolutely beautiful. As I expected, I had to pay a Customs charge of €46, which was unpleasant, but as soon as I opened the box, it didn’t matter.
I’ll write a review later, but I’ll say I’m very impressed with Longclaw, and I really look forward to seeing how magnificent Ice turns out to be!
I got mine today! It is wonderful and really gigantic.
Awesome work, Valyrian!
P.S. Customs charge in Germany was 38€
Well, no news since the empty mail?
Can someone confirm everything is alright?
Should I have receipt a tracking number or are some country not concerned by this? (I’m in France)
My Longclaw arrived last friday.
It’s just amazing. I’ve never seen such quality in a sword for this prize.
Valyrian, you really did a great job on this!
Every fan should be really happy with this quality product.
Also let me mention your great customer service. Other companies (Dabel Bros)should really take a leaf out of your book.
I’m looking forward to buy more products from you.
Bring on a Longclaw scabbard and Ice. *g
PS: @ Enda – email Valyrian for a tracking number and you will get one!(I did the same)
My own one, numbered 366, arrived just yesterday (to Bilbao, Spain).
And it is even more beautiful than I imagined.
Thanks a lot!!!
Waitting for Ice now…
@ Paolo and Mathias Tolotti .
When you receive LongClaw can write on this blog the amount that you have paid for customs charge ( Spese Doganali ) and problems with the Customs ( Dogana ) ?
Thank you
Finally picked up my Longclaw today (looks amazing). Delivery service (Not Valyrians fault) was a pain though. After recieving confirmation of the dispatch i checked my tracking number which eventually changed on Friday to “attempted Delivery to Delivery address at 12.21am (yes am (presumably time differences between England and America). Then at about dinner time Saturday i recieved a letter saying i needed to pay VAT plus a handling surcharge nad then pickup or arrange re-delivery, but too late to make it to the depot before closing time (AARRRGGHH).
Anyway English VAT was £25.99
Parcelforce Surcharge £8.00
My Longclaw is still stucked in italian customs…
It arrived in Italy 5 days ago (23rd of january) and it’s still there. But i think it’s normal (i ordered some swords from USA in 2008 and i had to wait for 2 weeks).
So i don’t know how much i will pay.
I just know that last time i had no problem. Customs called me to confirm the value of the pack and it’s content and than sent it to me.
I hope it will be the same this time…
Even my sword is stucked in italian customs.
But this is my first order from USA, so i didn’t know if is normal or other.
Thanks Mathias your post reassures me. I’ve only to wait…
@ Mathias Tolotti and Martino Folli
When the Customs will release the sword, you can tell the waiting time
and the cost of Customs charge ?
Many thanks.
Remeber folks, you can post reviews on the product page of the shop.
Mine arrived today (£36 for Customs and handling charges as previously mentioned by Renton), it looks very impressive!
Was lucky enough to get Sword number 10 which was an added bonus.
@Italian customers, sorry for the italian post
Mi e’ arrivata una lettera dell’sda che chiede di faxargli alcune info (cod fiscale, descrizione delle merci, valore delle merci importate) e dopo faranno partire il pacco.
Domani gli faxo tutto anche quello che non hanno chiesto e speriamo sia una cosa rapida!
Con le altre spade mi era successa la stessa cosa, solo che avevo fatto tutto tramite telefono..Bene, allora dovrebbe essere tutto a posto anche questa volta =)
Ottimo, grazie!
Grazie ragazzi di tenerci informati fase dopo fase ( in particolare essendo al primo acquisto oltre oceano ho molti dubbi ). Spero vivamente che al momento della ricezione della agognata lama riporterete le spese doganali sostenute che dai miei calcoli dovrebbero essere 48€ circa su un valore totale dichiarato di 310$ ( spada + spedizione ), pur se c’e’ chi sostiene che le applichino a caso anche nelle ipotesi di parita’ di merce, peso e valore dichiarato.
Good Luck. Ciao.
Ciao, mi è appena arrivata la lettera della sda.
Mi chiedono di confermare il valore della merce, e mi hanno allegato una bolla in cui però c’è dichiarato: “value 200$” e “postage and fees 62$”.
Io in realtà ho pagato 310$ totali 240$ di spada e 70$ di spedizioni.
Tu cosa hai dichiarato? Ti sei attenuto a quanto da te pagato oppure hai confermato il valore indicato sulla bolla?
Inoltre, hai allegato anche fatture o cose simili?
Grazie mille!!
Ho dichiarato quanto ho pagato, perche’ mi hanno anche chiesto la ricevuta del pagamento (essendo una transazione via internet, sta scritto nella parte sopra il testo col riquadro). Come ricevuta di pagamento gli ho mandato una parte dell’estratto conto della carta di credito.
Mi hanno poi chiamato al telefono per confermare che la transazione era quella “JALIC BLADES …. ” di 310$. L’addetto mi ha detto che per lui andava tutto bene e che girava la documentazione alla dogana.
Sorry guys… another chunk of italian text :\
Our customs are a bit suspicious. We received a form to complete, sign and resend it to the customs, to specify the value and use of the goods.
A me è arrivata la lettera Venerdì, ma ho spedito la mail con il modulo scannerizzato Sabato. La voce della fattura non era segnata con la X (quindi non dovrebbe esser richiesta), però nel dubbio ho mandato lo stesso tutti i dati che avevo. Mail di conferma (che non dice praticamente nulla) e la schermata dell’ordine sul sito di Valyriansteel. (Non l’estratto conto della CC)
Se mi dovevano chiamare non l’hanno ancora fatto. Non so se mi devo aspettare una conferma della ricezione della mail da loro o meno.
Ah.. tra l’altro come valore ho messo solo 240$ della spada, senza spedizione. Non so se è sbagliato o meno.
Got a slip telling me I can go pick it up tomorrow, the cost is quite large imo though…
82 euros!
Sorry again…
Damn our customs
Avete novità? Oramai è una settimana che mi è arrivato il modulo che ho rispedito. Nessuno si è fatto sentire ne s’è visto il pacco. Ho tentato di chiamare l’ufficio di Lonate (come indicato sulla lettera) ma non riesco a trovare nessuno.
Ho letto delle cose sconcertanti su internet… attese anche di mesi, fax o mail con i moduli compilati mai arrivati, etc…
Idem…ho mandato una mail con allegati tutti i documenti ma nessuno mi risponde…
Ho provato a chiamare anche io ma non rispondono (magari era l’orario…spero).
Boh…A me in questi casi viene sempre da pensare che viviamo davvero nella repubblica delle banane…
Che tristezza…
Sorry Valyrian for our italian messages.
We cannot contact our customs (they don’t answer the phone..) and i want to contact by e-mail italian customers so that we can share our opinions and maybe organize the next purchase together (through an italian sword shop).
A tutti gli ITALIANI:
che ne dite se la prossima spada la ordiniamo tramite una coltelleria italiana (Davide Lagona è sempre disponibilissimo in questo senso…mi ha già importato foderi, spade e altri oggetti dall’estero)?
Se siamo un buon numero di persone, credo che ci converrebbe fare l’acquisto tramite la loro coltelleria, in modo da lasciare la gestione degli affari burocratici (dogana ecc) a loro.
Se vi va questa idea, possiamo accordarci (la prossima volta) tramite e-mail.
Il mio indirizzo è
Just got my sword today!
I paid 51 euros in Finland customs…
Okay, now that most have received their Longclaws, and the response has been overwhelmingly positive, would it be too to much to ask regarding some information on the next product? Pretty please, Mr. Valyrian sir?
@ Mathias Tolotti
Ti ho inviato una e-mail per aderire alla tua idea dell’ordine collettivo tramite la Coltelleria Lagona.
Arrived few minutes ago! paid 58euro to custom
@Italian customers
appena arrivato, io abito in provincia di cremona, ed avevo sistemato tutte le pratiche burocratiche con le poste lunedi’ scorso, quindi ci hanno messo 7-8gg lavorativi, fate un po’ voi i conti per i vostri casi.
Arrived now, she is wonderfull ^__^
She is the number 550. I know, i know… they are in random order. I really don’t care.
Damn our customs, 58 euros of custom fees me too.
Price of the sword + Shipment + Custom Fee (Dazio, 1.7%) + VAT (IVA, 20%)
Sono di Roma. Quindi se è arrivata a me dovrebbe esser arrivata a tutti oramai.
Da me è passato stamattina un corriere non ero in casa!!! A voi è arrivata con la dhl? O sda?
Molto bene ragazzi, sono felice che finalmente l’agognata LongClaw sia nelle vostre mani ( appurando che il costo finale e’ di 300€ ). Ora ospetto con ansia una breve recensione da ognuno, in particolare sulla qualità delle rifiniture ( specialmente sul pomello )e se la stessa vi sembre ben bilanciata o meno.
I wanna see ICE!!!
As long as Longclaw™ is going to be made out of Stainless Steel, I just wanted to know what kind of strength we were talking about(420, 440A, 440B, 440C, 440V, ATS–34.) Or maybe its a 420J2 Stainless Steel, the kind that breaks on contact with soft wood. I want to make sure that Longclaw™ is worth what you are asking for it.
Do you often use swords to cut down trees? If so, there is this new tool I wish to show you, called an axe. You may find it works better.
Seriously though, Longclaw is a display sword, it is not meant to fell trees. Nor bang up against anything much. If you want a high carbon steel full tang version, sit tight, we may end up making one, it’ll likely be 4x more though.
I’m sorry if I gave offense, I’m sure your sword is both excellent in quality and workmanship and a fine piece for any collector who wishes to experience the “Sword of Jon Snow.” It is good to hear that a high carbon steel version is on your mind. I’ll make sure to keep an eye out for what you make in the future.
P.S. Trees will come to live in fear of a Carbon Steel Longclaw™, no doubt.
Do not attempt to chop down a tree with your sword, such an activity is guaranteed to damage your sword. Axes and machetes are well designed for this with the weight of the steel concentrated over the point of percussion. When you strike a firmly fixed object like a tree or a thick branch with a sword, a great deal of the blade projects past the object being cut, causing the blade to bend or torque.
Needle news?
Needle is in the prototyping phase. Someone like Brian will be happy to know it’ll be in high carbon steel with a full tang. This will put it at a price point similar to Longclaw (perhaps a little less) despite being half the size or less, because of the higher end materials. Once we have a prototype it goes to GRRM for final approval, then we take publicity shots of it, and then we can start taking preorders.
Nice!!, the only reason because i didnt buy Lonclaw its the steel type (420J2??), im happy to see that you fixed that “problem” on Ice, tnx a lot
You mean Needle, Ice is the same.