Longclaw is being produced as we speak, the first 600 (the first shipment) should arrive by Christmas. Late November or early December to be precise. Needle will be entering the prototyping phasing of production soon as well. And, we have decided sword #3 will be Ice.

20 Thoughts on “Valyrian Steel Updates

  1. Any way to know if we’re in the first shipment or not? Would be good to know if we’re getting by Christmas.

  2. Woo hoo! I ordered mine the first day and mailed the money order the next day, so I should be in the first 600, but I would feel better if I was sure. I second dreamer’s request. Thanks!

  3. We’ve not yet sold 600, so all orders at this point will be in the first shipment.

  4. Hurray.

    Christmas presents for everyone. Santa will be very busy!

  5. The Salmon on September 23, 2008 at 10:59 pm said:

    Great, another Stark sword? Why not a more diverse product line? Either way, I’m glad I’m getting Longclaw in time for the holidays

  6. Mike Ceranko on September 24, 2008 at 7:03 am said:

    Is this sword made of real steel? Or is it a flimsy lead imitation of a sword? I’d like to buy it but only if it is an authentic steel sword. Thanks!~

  7. I have never been so excited for Christmas in over 25 years! And now tidings of an impending “Ice”, I could think of no better stocking stuffer! Merry Christmas indeed!

  8. Oh SQUEEE!! Nope, not excited at all, me.

    Thanks for all the hard work you guys are doing to make us all some happy little fans. This is going to be the ultimate Yule gift for my husband, and I am so excited for him!

  9. internet user on September 24, 2008 at 9:49 am said:

    so pumped!!! you guys rock so hard.

  10. yes mike, they are steel. I wouldn’t imagine a lead sword, I mean… it’d be rather heavy.

  11. After Ice comes out would we still be able to go back and order swords that have been previously made, EG. after Ice comes out if I haven’t bought Needle can I come back and buy Needle?

  12. Just ordered Longclaw, woohoo!!!

    Valyrian I have a suggestion that might help.
    I was checking this website approximately once a week until the end of Jun, then because of some silence period I completely forgot about the sword (from other various reasons) so what if you make an update as far as when the sword will go to a preorder status (obviously I’m talking about needle) because the only reason I realized that the sword is ready is because of GRRM’s “Not a Blog”
    Good luck with everything!

  13. Well Igal, you can subscribe to email updates and then don’t have to remember to check the site.

  14. I actually am subscribed to the updates but never got one.

    And my antispam settings are very loose :)

    oh well I’ll try again.

  15. So when are you going to post some real pictures of a Longclaw? Concept art is nice.. but pictures just might be better…

  16. Lots of pictures have been posted. they’re on previous blog posts and on the order page.

  17. Great to hear, was wondering when this was going to happen. I like Jeff have been unable to find anything but renders of the weapon and no real pictures. I suppose I am just blind?

    Anyways thanks for the update

  18. Was wondering if you had an estimated date of when we will see an artist sketch of Ice? Thanks.

  19. Any chance on an exact ship date now that there is only a month before the sword is expected?

  20. Just ordered mine, sending a money order Express Mail on Monday morning, can’t wait to get it!!!!! And I already knew #2 would be Needle (Yes!!), but I just read that # 3 will be Ice!!!! Please keep them coming VS!!!

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