We are getting in our shipment of this highly limited collectible next week. Manufactured by Dark Horse on their Game of Thrones license it is a limited edition of 500 pcs, these are pretty big, each one weighs 26 pounds (they’re also expensive to ship for this reason). In addition to the 500 pc edition Dark Horse made 125 Artist Proofs for HBO to distribute to VIPs. Artist proofs for HBO to give away to VIPs or use for promotions. I can assume people like Dan & David, GRRM, Sean Bean perhaps, would get this version as a gift. There was a shipping goof up and we got sent 25 of them, HBO decided they didn’t care and so we get to sell these to you. So unless you’re on HBO’s VIP list, only 25 are available in this edition. They are marked (I’m told) Artist Proof xx/125. Both versions will be in stock next week.

The artist proof version is available to order here.

The limited edition version is available to order here.

4 Thoughts on “14″ Game of Thrones Iron Throne Replica

  1. Wow! That’s crazy you guys got some artist proofs by accident!!! Any news on the show version longclaw?

  2. Grey Wind on January 19, 2013 at 11:20 pm said:

    Hi Guys, could i possibly have a measurement of the diameter of the base of this item (in particular the standard one because the artists proof version is sold out)

  3. Thaigaryen on January 28, 2013 at 4:14 pm said:

    Can’t wait for my artist proof version. Wonder what number I got…

  4. I missed my chance to get the artist proof edition T_T. Still looking for someone to sell it to me at a reasonable price XD

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