Just got the prototype today, opened it up, said “Wow, Awesome.”

It is hard to pick up the subtleties of damascus steel with my meager photography skills, so you’ll all have to wait a little while for really good pictures. First the prototype goes to GRRM for his review, then it can go to the better photographer.

This is a 1060 high carbon damascus steel blade. Truly what GRRM had in mind when he first wrote about Valyrian Steel. It is, pretty, and strong, and expensive.

This sword will probably be a limited edition of 100 pcs. It will probably be for around $500. In addition to having the damascus blade, we’ll see about doing the eyes in actual genuine garnets as well. If you want one, please, by all means, comment on this post. If 150 people say they want one, we might be be convinced to increase the edition size. Even look at it as an investment, once the HBO series comes out they’ll probably appreciate. We’ll also be strictly shipping based on order date, because it is a smaller run, it will be no problem to manually make sure he who orders first gets the lowest number. Though we may run an auction for #1, and then have the first order go for #2.

Anyways, I think we could see this blade being released in very early 2010, but we’ll have to wait a couple more weeks to finish finalizing details.

Needle update: Got the final prototype today, just reconfirming the length, sword should ship within 2 months.

Ice update: The (hopefully) final concept art is on GRRM’s desk right now. It looks great, I can’t wait to show you.

Now… your pictures:

107 Thoughts on “Damascus Longclaw

  1. Martin on August 27, 2009 at 5:34 pm said:

    Now, THAT will be really awesome! The only reason why I did not order Longclaw yet, was the rippling effect of the blade. (I don’t want to say the normal Longclaw looks bad, it doesn’t!) I just thought of something special everytime I read about Valyrian Steel. And now THAT will be the special thing I’m talking about.
    Please set me on your waiting list for ordering! I’d love to be one of the first ones to hold this edition in my hands! =)

  2. Outstanding! Even better if it comes with razor edges and a solid tang – definitely will be interest in this sword.

  3. I don’t suppose you could have a nice pic with both swords side by side to show off the differences?

  4. Looks extremely sweet, would like as above to see the improved pictures in comparison but may have a definite interest.

  5. Rebecca on August 28, 2009 at 6:40 am said:

    Ohhh, this is something I think I would find a way to pay for! It’s gorgeous!

  6. I would definitely be interested in buying this edition!

  7. SA_Avenger on August 28, 2009 at 6:55 am said:

    I love the look of the blade, probably too expensive for me though. And anyway I really dislike the white wolf for gilt, I wish there was another version of that part as well.

  8. I would be interested in this sword

  9. That does look really great, but I have to be honest I’m still not a fan of the wolf head pommel. I’ve just always thought it is way too white and stands out too much compared to the rest of the blade. Could you please consider making this version similar to the original design with a darker/dirty look?


  10. Rodney on August 28, 2009 at 7:27 am said:

    Yes! I would be willing to pre-order this sword. Awesome awesome awesome.

  11. Delwyn on August 28, 2009 at 7:28 am said:

    Even living all the way over here in Australia, I’d be finding the cash to get one of these for sure.

  12. Wow. I would definitely buy one espcially if you used real garnets. That would be a absolute beautiful sword.

  13. Cerebomb on August 28, 2009 at 7:39 am said:

    I work at HBO, and this will definitely be hanging over my desk.

    I do agree with the others that commented on the wolf head pommel. I wish it looked more like carved stone and less like cast resin.

  14. Jamie R. Gallegos on August 28, 2009 at 7:44 am said:

    I already have the original, but would definitely be interested in this one as well. Nothing wrong w/twins!!

  15. Been saving up for the original. Now I’ll just have to hold out for this one.

  16. pre order ready!

  17. Ryan Wilson on August 28, 2009 at 8:09 am said:

    I bought an original Longclaw and, while I was happy with it, felt it was lacking the real Damascus look.

    Sharpen the blade, give it a full tang, and afix garnets in the eye sockets and I’ll definitely order another. I’d also like to see the wolf pommel to be more stone-like too. Make this a real collectors sword.

  18. Awesome! I will definitely order one!

  19. Maclane on August 28, 2009 at 8:47 am said:

    i was (repeat WAS) saving up for the original but now im definitely saving up for this, its an awesome design and it looks better than the original longclaw but i really want to get the first one of this and i really want the first i dont have any of these swords but please save the first for me i really really really want the first. and i would totally keep it safe and id even try to find a sheeth for it cuz i really want the first of this sword!!!! FIRST!!!

  20. Steven on August 28, 2009 at 8:51 am said:

    I would definitely order one of these. I think the pattern on the blade looks much better than the original.

  21. One thing about real stone, it is impossible to mass produce real carved stone.

    Additionally, there are weight issues. A pommel is not merely a decorative part, it needs to help balance the weight of the blade. Stone, generally, is too light (as is resin).

    Cast metal really was the only choice. As for the coloring, various prototypes were darker, but GRRM said that the stone used was a pure white soapstone.

    From a quick google search:


    Glossy metal really ended up being the only choice.

  22. Maclane on August 28, 2009 at 9:04 am said:

    i really like the new design of the sword but i really want the first one its all really cool and id want it even more if the eyes were real garnet and i really want it cuz ive been savin up for a wicked long time

  23. Joseph on August 28, 2009 at 9:11 am said:

    I must say I am so glad that you are producing a real damascus blade. My only semi-complaint about the Longclaw I have already purchased is the the quality of the leather on the grip. Other than that, awesome work gentlemen!

  24. Patrick on August 28, 2009 at 9:55 am said:

    I am absolutely interested in this product! I am glad your company has decided to move ahead with this! I will definitely order one of these blades.

  25. Why didn’t I wait for this one??? *sigh*

  26. Wow, that is a fantastic looking sword. I bought the first version and I like it a lot but this one is just superb. Count me in for wanting one. Now i just to come up with the money for it.

  27. Absolutely beautiful. It’s too bad that improving the pommel seems to be impossible. Regardless, I’d better start saving again.

    (Also, any word on Drogo’s Arakh?)

  28. Dominic on August 28, 2009 at 11:30 am said:

    The sword looks great. I definitely want one.

  29. Defo want this version, gonna have to start saving now

  30. This is awesome. Now I just need a way to save up for this baby. I got the original, but like someone else said before, what’s wrong with twins?

    I can’t wait for Needle, too.

  31. Patrick on August 28, 2009 at 6:39 pm said:

    I’m so excited, these are the kind of quality Blades I was waiting for. You guys do a fantastic job helping to bring images to life. Can’t wait to get my hands on one.


  32. Add me to the “Buy” list! I really appreciate your efforts and work.

  33. I definitely will purchase this… I probably won’t be #1, but I won’t be upset with any number before 100!

  34. I’m interessted as well.

  35. kallisto on August 29, 2009 at 1:59 am said:

    Also I want to buy Longclaw, in damascus steel.

  36. Ill take one for sure.

  37. So does ‘strong’ mean that the construction is strong enough that it can be used for actual swordfighting? If so, I am strongly thinking of buying one!

  38. Amazing.

    As far as everyone talking about the pommel goes i disagree. I know that GRRM decided what the final look was so personally I want what he says is accurate, even if it’s not how I would have designed it. Especially when I’m sure Jon’s sword in the HBO series will have a white pommel if not this exact one.

    The damascus is perfect. With a full-tang and a sharp edge this is a must have to me.

    One concern – someone mentioned the quality of the leather, I don’t have the original longclaw so I don’t if I should be concerned. Is the leather sturdy and functional as a operative grip? And if not, is it possible to have a professional re-tool the grip without causing damage, based on the swords construction?

  39. Masteel on August 29, 2009 at 1:15 pm said:

    I will order one, it is definite.

  40. Masteel on August 29, 2009 at 1:18 pm said:

    I also do not like the size of the wolf. It is garish. I did order the first Long Claw though.

    If possible, please make it smaller. More of a white gray would be a better color to make it stand out less.

    Thanks for your work and your swords.

  41. Looks cool i would be interested in one would look good next to my custom knives

  42. I WANT ONE!!!

  43. Man if I knew this one would have been coming out, I’d have saved up my shackels instead of buying the first one.

    Don’t get me wrong I love the one I have, but this one looks fantastic. Oh well I’ll have to wait till it comes out and see if I have the cash then.

  44. Blitzkrieg on August 30, 2009 at 12:24 pm said:

    I will order one immediately. I already bought the first two. Thanks.

  45. Dan Pidduck on August 30, 2009 at 5:33 pm said:

    I will order one of these hopefully get a low number.

  46. Dan Pidduck on August 30, 2009 at 5:40 pm said:

    Also, I think it would be an great incentive to have it approved by GRRM to use one of the 100 (or whatever) as the sword used in the HBO series. For collector’s purposes :-)

  47. AlbertoBB on August 31, 2009 at 2:02 am said:

    Seriously thinking about purchasing one…bur not sure yet…


  48. Rob Klein on August 31, 2009 at 11:37 am said:

    consider my money saved for this sword. I will be waiting for the release date to buy one.

  49. Thomas Castano on August 31, 2009 at 12:59 pm said:

    I definitely want one.

  50. Looks great. Definitely going to buy a sword from you guys next year. Gonna hold out for the Ice art work before I decide which one.

  51. Ciaran Annrach on September 1, 2009 at 10:39 am said:

    Wow. I’ve no clue how I’m going to get the money for this one, but I’m definitely interested in ordering one. I’ll have to start saving now…when do you guys predict they will be available?

  52. I am defintely interested. Do I get it right: This is a “real” sword? (except sharpness). Do you have any clue whether this can be shipped internationally? … and … how much will the shipping be?

  53. The tang will be as full as it can be.

    The tang cannot be truly full, as in 100%, because the sword has a decorative pommel. The pommel needs to screw on, so there has to be a threaded extension welded to the tang to which it can be screwed. The tang does extend 80% of the depth of the grip. The truly flimsy replica swords tend to have tangs that only extend 10 or 20% the depth, these are typically the $20 knockoffs you see at carnivals or sold on ebay. They give all others a bad reputation I think.

    Yes Markus, it can be shipped Internationally. Shipping will only be slightly higher than the regular Longclaw, only because the insured value will be higher. $5-$10 more.

    I’m sorry for those who bought the first and would have rather had this. For the record, we plan to do a damascus version of all our Valyrian Steel blades (ie, Longclaw and Ice, but not Needle). For Ice we’re going to see about releasing the two versions concurrently.

  54. Excellent idea with the concurrent versions of Ice… keep up the great work!

  55. Potassium Blimp on September 2, 2009 at 7:56 pm said:

    I definitely will want to buy this! Count me in.

  56. Awesome. Twins I shall have! count me in.

  57. I knew there was a reason I waited to get this sword…

  58. Any idea on when you can release pictures or art of Ice? I really want one of your swords but not sure if I should wait for Ice or not.

  59. I am really interessted in purchase both of the valyrian sword in damascus model…

  60. Well, I’m glad I waited to get Longclaw now. I will certainly be interested in the Damascus Steel version.

    I can’t wait to see the concept for Ice!

  61. Ivor de Neeve on September 4, 2009 at 8:36 pm said:

    I’d get one

  62. I have been vacillating on getting Longclaw. This settles it. Sign me up. Once the Damascus version of Ice come out I am probably onboard for that one too.
    Now how about doing Oathkeeper too?

  63. Oooo very nice, I want one!

  64. Count me in on a Damascus Longclaw. It looks amazing. Real garnets would be incredibly awesome.

  65. Matthew on September 8, 2009 at 5:53 pm said:

    Amazing sword, definitly worth it. count me in!

  66. Tony D. on September 8, 2009 at 8:41 pm said:

    I would definitely order this! I already have the first one hanging on my wall, a beautiful piece, no doubt about it. But when I envisioned the patterning, this beautiful wood-like, layered weaving in metal was exactly what I had in mind!!!

  67. Stephen Blair on September 10, 2009 at 5:00 pm said:

    Is there any way to pre-order the Damascus Steel LongClaw?

    Kind regards,


    – —
    Stephen A. Blair
    Milwaukie, OR
    – –

  68. Not yet stephen. But eventually, yes.

  69. I would buy one.

  70. I probably won’t have the money for this one until after Christmas, but I am definitely interested!

  71. Definitly count me in for this. Wow cant wait for Ice. Sexy!

  72. Jonathan on September 13, 2009 at 7:46 pm said:

    Will definetely buy!

  73. In the past I’ve criticized the swords you folks were selling as nonfunctional, and indicated that they were not worthy to hang on my wall.

    This one looks like something I’ll be able to buy without feeling ashamed of. Count me in, and for a similar version of Ice as well.

  74. I’ll jump on the same bandwagon and say that I would have purchased the original and also this special edition, but I cant get over the pommel. Because there is no variation in the white, like there is in the concept art, it looks painfully plastic in my opinion. (At least in the picture)

    If you where to slightly antique the white I think it would look fantastic. I understand the comment that GRRM said it was pure white. Hard to argue with that, but from the sounds of what i’ve heard, that was a major hangup and allot more people would have purchased the blade had it been otherwise.

    Anyway I love the fact that you guys are making these weapons. keep up the great work and I cant wait to see Ice!

    • Robert Mott on June 5, 2015 at 9:10 am said:

      You have to remember in the books the old pommel was a bear and was changed out right before it was given to Jon so it made sense for the swords pommel to be clean and new.

  75. Just came to the site to finally buy Longclaw… but now I’ll definitely wait for that one.

  76. I already have ordered and recieved the original LongClaw that has been offered. I think it looks great, but I would get this second one as well just for the shear design change and love of the book series. Please keep us posted on when you will be starting the wait list!

  77. Nolan wilder on September 16, 2009 at 8:20 pm said:

    Cant wait to get one!!!

  78. Just wanted to let people know, in further negotiation with the factory it looks like it’ll probably be more than $500. I don’t want to say exactly, but probably more like $600.

  79. BRING IT ON!

  80. Valyrian,

    Will only 100 swords be made or has this changed?

  81. Can we get a little more information about the welded part of the tang? I know that a welded on threaded section can be done very strongly, but most modern reproductions with welded parts do it rather poorly. If it’s sturdy enough that the sword could be considered “fully functional” at least for the purposes of practice cutting, then I’ll start saving up for mine today.

  82. We may do 250.

  83. This is great :)
    I wanted to order the first one but now…
    Count me in for this Version.

  84. it looks awesome! I’m ready to pre-order now.

  85. valyrian, just wanted to say thanks for making this, you have made alot of fans happy. also, i bought the original version and love it. it’s on the wall of my living room and I am saving for needle now. I personally would not buy the damascus version because these swords will only ever rest on my walls for looks alone, but i know alot of fans will, and that great for everyone. My point is, I appriciate there being a lower cost version out there for those who want the sword, but don’t want to spend 600+ for it.

  86. I’m more than anxious to come to possess one, but money is definitely a hard thing for me…
    I better start saving now!

  87. Jon Snow on September 21, 2009 at 8:49 am said:

    I’ll take one. And Ice and Drogo’s arakh when they come out. I like the idea of concurrently released swords at the two price points.

  88. Would definitely pick one up.

  89. I own the original and while I find it amazingly beautiful, I was slightly disappointed when it came. The plaque was slightly damaged and there is a flaw in the hilt of mine.
    I will definitely order the new version and perhaps I will gift the original to a friend.

  90. Jacques on October 2, 2009 at 8:46 am said:

    I am quite definitely getting one of these. And if real garnets were able to be placed into the eyes, all the better.

  91. Damn, now I wish I had waited for this version instead… what am I going to do with the old Longclaw I already bought? :P

  92. Gustavo on October 5, 2009 at 8:16 pm said:

    want one!!!!…13,113 or 213 sounds good…any pre ordering available yet?…

  93. Awww man, I wish I knew this was coming, I would have waited! Anyone want to buy my old Longclaw?

    Put a metal wolf’s head and the garnet eyes and I will definitely buy another!

    Ideally it should be a replica of what will be used in the series.

  94. Brendan on October 8, 2009 at 8:47 am said:

    I have the first one and would love to buy this one! I definitely prefer the smooth blade versus the bumpy blade of the first Longclaw. How do they make the ripple effect? Acid etching?

    I also agree with the others that commented on the wolf head pommel. I wish it looked more like carved stone and less like cast resin. The one I have is just too white and stands out from the rest of the sword.

  95. Marin Zambata on October 9, 2009 at 7:58 am said:

    i have the first one but since ice is more that a year away i will definitely order this version too

  96. Master Yoda on October 11, 2009 at 6:59 am said:

    I would be interested too.

  97. Keep the forge hot! I want one too.

  98. I’d definitely be interested in this… I have the first and it’s a cool wall hanger. My only feedback would be the pommel. It probably would be a bit smaller in real life and possibly oriented differently – the wolf facing to the side vs. directly out.

    I’m assuming GRRM really doesn’t know a lot about live blades (e.g. practices WMA), so his designs would be ‘fantasy’ vs. realistic. Still pretty cool!

  99. Yeah I’d go for this. I already have the origional Longclaw as well and despite the fact taht it does look quite cool and I am looking at it on my wall right now I did wish after getting it that the rippling on the steel was a bit more like an actual forged sword instead of the kind of casted look and feel to the first Longclaw’s blade. This second sword is just what im looking for and i hope you can do a damascus version of each of your upcomeing valyrian weapons.

  100. Gordon Typer on November 5, 2009 at 4:32 pm said:

    I totally want one and will get one if I get in on the production run.

  101. We will be doing a damascus version of each “Valyrian Steel” sword that we make, from here on out.

    So, not Needle, because Needle wasn’t “Valyrian Steel”, or Dawn, etc. But Ice, Oathkeeper, Widow’s Wail, etc.

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  105. Robert Mott on June 5, 2015 at 9:06 am said:

    I would absolutely buy one of these if they are still going to be 500 Dollars it looks magnificent I especially love the Pommel and the Damascus steel is exactly how I have always Imagined Valaryian Steel would look. Sign me up!!

  106. Will Seaver on May 12, 2019 at 7:14 am said:

    Would be interested in this sword where can I buy it

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