Maybe my previous post was too soon, the pictures got here quicker than first thought.

Tommorow (Saturday), at around noon eastern time, Ice will go on sale.

I, for one, love the sword. I know some people didn’t like the writing on the hilt, but that is what GRRM wanted, and I rather like it too, to be honest. Yes, it repeats what is on the plaque, but the Starks didn’t have a fancy plaque.

What I most love about the sword is the white grip. This was GRRM’s original idea, and I think it was genius. I’ve never seen a sword with a white grip, and it just makes it fit for me so well with the feeling of The North. I just find it so pretty, of the swords we’ve made so far, this is hands down my favorite. Needle and Longclaw were necessarily simple, with Needle being a gift for a girl, and Longclaw being remade from the meager resources at Castle Black. Ice though, Ice is a sword that matches the prestige of it’s owner.

As a preview I wanted to share with you my favorite part. This is a glimpse of the grip, the 24k antique gold rings and the genuine antiqued silver wolf cuff. I hope you find it as pretty as I do.

5 Thoughts on “Ice to go on sale tommorow

  1. Nathaniel on October 22, 2010 at 11:36 pm said:

    With Ice going on sale tomorrow, will the release date be any sooner than previously projected. I read that it wasn’t likely it would be ready to ship by Christmas, is that still a valid estimation or will the quicker than expected completion of the prototype hasten the actual release of the sword?

  2. Dwayne on October 23, 2010 at 5:25 am said:

    I gotta say – this is sad news indeed. I was hoping for several delays so I could put off the decision on whether to wait in the vain hope for a Damascus version being announced. Oh, woe is me! :)

    Looks great guys!

  3. No, it will not be out by Christmas.

  4. james kuzba on October 23, 2010 at 7:53 am said:

    I think that the design looks great and will definitely be purchasing one. thanks for the hard work guys.

  5. Nathaniel on October 23, 2010 at 9:19 am said:

    Ah well, figured I shouldn’t get my hopes up. The sword looks amazing. I have purchased Needle for my half-sister, Ice will go to my half-brother and eventually Longclaw for myself. Thanks for all the hard work on these blades, again, they look magnificent.

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