We are both proud and pleased to announce that we have obtained the exclusive license to produce arm and armor reproductions from George R.R. Martin‘s bestselling book series “A Song of Ice and Fire.”
This is a new business for us and this line of swords will be our first, however we are dedicated to delivering to collectors a top of the line display sword in both quality and aesthetics. To this end we have obtained the services of industry veterans who have worked for other manufacturers and on other reproductions from books or movies.
The lead designer for our sword line is a 20 year veteran of sword & knife design. He has worked on reproductions from the Lord of the Rings movies, has his own line of fantasy swords, and has had his works featured in dozens of other movies and TV shows.
We have been working very closely with George R.R. Martin through each stage of the design process, and he has final approval on all sword designs to make sure they follow his vision of Westeros as closely as possible.
Our initial goal is to produce all of the major Valyrian steel swords mentioned in the ASOIAF book series, as well as the prominent non-Valyrian blades such as Needle. Each sword will be a limited edition run of 2500 pieces and will include a certificate of authenticity personally autographed by Mr. Martin himself. These swords will be high quality display pieces and will come with plaques bearing the crest of the house which holds the sword.
Depending on the success of the line we will expand into other arms or armor from the series or possibly produce an even more limited line of battle-ready reproductions.
The first sword in the series will be Longclaw, once the sword of the Mormont’s, now wielded by Jon Snow. The concept art for this blade has been completed and approved and we will be releasing it to you in the future. We aim to have this sword ready for sale in 2008.
We will be taking both retail and wholesale orders from this site, as well as providing updated information on designs and release dates. So please bookmark this site or subscribe to updates by entering your email address in the box on the right so that you can be advised when we have new information for you.
If you have any questions about the line, please leave a comment and we’ll do a FAQ post that answers the most common questions.
My brother and I are huge fans of these books. We have been performing in Medieval Reinactments for over 20 years now. One of the many skills we hvae developed over the years is armor making. We produce Joust/Combat worthy armor which have intrusted our own lives to. You can check out a short clip of the jousting we did at warhorse.com
If at some point you decide to expand into the armor of Westeros we would love to be part of the operation if our skills and time would be of use to your company. If not, we still wish you well in this venture and we will certainly be buying some of your products.
I’m pretty excited about this. Ice is probably the first and only sword I’d consider buying, but I’ll be checking the site and looking at all the swords and prices. Good luck
Great to see this finally announced.
Ran from the ASoIaF board, aka Elio from Westeros.org.
We’ve added you to out list of license holders at the board, and will be putting in an entry for you at the “All Sorts of Weird Stuff” news site.
Like John above, Linda and I will be glad to provide what assistance we can, although in this case it’d just be to researching the books and digging up information for you. And of course, we’d be glad to assist with heraldic questions you might have.
I see the Westeros.org spiel wasn’t needed, as I noticed the quotes pulling from the Concordance . A very neat application of it, and one of which we approve.
Someone did note that there’s a typo in one of the quotes, though, in GRRM’s livejournal post, which we’ve subsequently fixed. It’s the one that starts “Some claim still…”, which should be “Some claim to still…”
I’m so pleased to see this? I hope that you make Brienne’s Valyrian blade, Oathkeeper, ASAP. That’s the one sword I will kill for.
Oathkeeper is definitely on the list, and thanks for the typo notification.
I would like to translate all the information forthcoming from this blog in french for french fans of “A Song Of Ice And Fire”. Could you please tell me (by email) if you allow this?
Thank you very much and hoping to see your products soon!
I’m beyond excited for this project and can’t wait to buy everything you make. That being said, how much will the swords cost (even a rough estimate would be great) so I know how many of these pieces I can try to get (at this point I know I want Longclaw and Needle (and Ice if you make it)).
Can’t wait for these!
I’m also dying to see Dawn made, though it’s not a Valyrian steel sword.
Here’s the french translation:
“Nous sommes à la fois fiers et heureux d’annoncer que nous avons obtenu les droits exclusifs pour faire les reproductions d’armes et d’armures de la série bestseller de George R.R. Martin “Le Trône de Fer”.
C’est une nouvelle activité pour nous et cette gamme d’épées sera notre première, cependant nous nous consacrons à envoyer aux collectionneurs une épée au top, tant au niveau de la qualité que de l’esthétique. Pour ce faire, nous avons obtenu les services de vétérans de l’industrie qui ont travaillés pour d’autres entreprises et sur d’autres reproductions à
partir de livres et de films.
Le concepteur principal de notre gamme d’épée est un expert qui a 20 ans de création d’épées et de couteaux à son actif. Il a travaillé pour des reproductions du film Le Seigneur des Anneaux, il a sa propre gamme d’épées de Fantasy, et son travail a été utilisé dans des douzaines d’autres films et de séries télévisées.
Nous avons travaillé en relation étroite avec George R.R. Martin pendant chaque étape de la conception, et il a le dernier mot sur tous les modèles d’épées pour être sûr qu’ils correspondent à sa vision de Westeros autant que possible.
Notre but dans un premier temps sera de produire toutes les épées valyriennes majeures mentionnées dans la série du Trône de Fer, ainsi que les autres épées éminentes non-valyriennes telle que Aiguille. Chaque épée sera produite en édition limitée de 2500 pièces et incluera un certificat d’authenticité autographié personnellement par Mr Martin lui-même. Ces épées seront des pièces de très bonne facture et viendront avec des plaques portant les armoireries de la Maison à laquelle appartient l’épée.
En fonction du succès de la gamme, on l’élargira à d’autres armes et armures de la série et on produira peut-être une ligne de répliques prêtes à être utilisées encore plus limitée.
LA première épée de la série sera Grand-Griffe, l’épée qui a appartenu aux Mormont et maintenant maniée par Jon Snow. Le concept artistique pour cette épée a été achevé et approuvé et nous le sortirons prochainement. On espère avoir cette épée prête pour la commercialisation en 2008.
On prendra les commandes en gros et au détail à partir de ce site, et d’autre part, nous donnerons des informations sur la réalisation et les dates de sortie. Donc, s’il vous plaît, gardez ce site dans vos favoris ou abonnez-vous aux mises à jours en entrant votre email dans le champ à droite pour que vous puissiez être averti lorsque que nous avons de nouvelles
informations pour vous.”
Evidently I have to get Longclaw for my husband if I am ever to expect Needle in return. Two points: I second the request for a rough price estimate. I also request a way to start a waiting-list for these… if they are going to be limited edition, I’d like to get signed up ASAP!
I hope that it is possible to see the three Dothraki gifts of the dragonbone bow, arakh, and whip. Looking forward to seeing the work.
Hey I left a message on George’s “not a blog” but I don’t think that he will answer me because of his lack of time so I’ll try here: Is there an estimate for the price range of the swords?
I mean I want to know how much I should start saving. Are we talking about $150-$300 a piece or around the $XXXX?
Thank you.
GRRM mentioned in his blog that the replica swords will not be limited to only Valyrian steel blades. When can we expect a model of Dawn?!
I am really excited and I hope shipping to Europe will be no problem! And Jon Snow’s LONGCLAW as a first sword, what more do you want? Greetings from Luxembourg
Hi! I’m very excited about it, it is a very good idea !
However I have a question : will we be able to practice fencing with these swords ?
Best of luck in this venture.
I do hope one day all the swords are availible, including Brightroar and other swords lost to history in the series…a line of shields with the House Names would be excellent as well….again, all the best of luck.
yes!!! i will so buy one!!!
wait… will these be made with real steel or
stainless steel?
As everyone else has asked, can you give us a rough estimate as to the prices of these swords?
Also, want Oathkeeper. WANT. Possibly paired up with Widow’s Wail? And I agree with those who have suggested shields with the House crests on them – excellent idea!
I too am interested in prices, as well as “battle-ready” options. Thanks!
These will be an awesome addition to my collection – Jon’s sword is a great lead in the weapons. Looking forward to pricing and availability.
I agree with everyone. What is a rough estimate of prices for the swords.
From what I understand they are limited addition, and id be very sad if i couldnt get my hands on a sword I would like for my collection. Will there will be some sort of waiting-list or somewhere i could preorder?
This is great news indeed!
You say that you might consider making a “limited line of battle-ready reproductions”. Will these be sharp or blunt? I practice WMA, and would like nothing more than to do it with an ASoIaF-replica, Longclaw in particular.
Greetings from Norway.
I wish to second the questions about pricing and durability. I am most interested in battle ready blades, but there are a few that I would definitely like to get on a pre-order list for regardless, Ice and Blackfyre especially, though as well as Longclaw, Oathkeeper, and Hotah’s longaxe.
oh yeah! just seen the picture of Jon’s sword
I want that! I just hope with 2.500 pieces, one will find the way in my hands
I hope to buy it for 200-300 €, that would be okay if the quality is guaranted.
Winter is coming! (really: it’s snowing outside)
Sign me up for Ice.
Hi there,
I hope I can persuade my Wife to buy me such a sword ;). But it seems I have some time till they’re ready. I’ll count the days….
Regards from Germany (Saarland, which is right besides Luxembourg;),
I’m a big fan of Master Replicas’ Star Wars replicas.The only thing better will be Ice and Fire replicas!!!BUt we all definitely need a rough estimate.Hundreds or thousands(yikes!)?And I want Ice,Needle,Longclaw,Oathbreaker,and helmets!The Hound,Tywin Lannister,and Gendry’s!!!!Bye!Oh,and will you take money orders?I deal all in cash.:)
I second the question about whether these will be available in a functional steel format or only in stainless. Also, what kind of hilt assembly is being planned– peened, pommel nut, or (horror) threaded pommel?
Will there also be scabbards for all swords or other leather belts for example for a hammer? Shields? Flags? so much …
greetings and remember: winter is coming
As all fans of GRRM’s Song of Ice and Fire, I’m also excited about this option.
The only thing I hope it will not be a problem and that is shipping to Europe, couse I really want to get my hands on one of those swords (Blackfyre and Dawn particulary!!!!!)
Greetings from Croatia…
If you want a look at potential pricing, surf over to http://www.a2armory.com and you’ll find a number of different replica options. I don’t own the site or have any business interest. A gentleman named Andy Jenkins owns the site and he’s always been fair and honest in my experience.
Blackfyre, when will it be availible, can I pre-order, will it be “battle ready” or simply ornamental?
boy oh boy! here’s one Aussie fan that just cant wait. I better start saving!!!!
Will the greatswords actually be full length????! god i want dawn or ice…
Will you all be making letter opener sized versions? That would be awesome.
Are we quite certain that Dawn is not Valyrian steel?
I, p.355 “He unsheathed Dawn and held it with both hands. The blade was pale as milkglass, alive with light.”
I always took that to mean Valyrian steel. . .
To N’drew.
No, it was made out of metal from a meteor if I remember correctly. And after Valyrian Steel was no longer being made.
Also, Valyrian steel isn’t pale or alive with light.
Ok, what I wanted to ask.
I figure if 1 out of every 10 people that are fans of ASoIaF buys one of each sword… The swords will be sold out very quickly and still be in demand at 2500 total…
Would you guys consider making more after they’re all sold out if they’re still in large demand?
There’s also the likely possibility that people will buy large numbers unless you limit how many a person can buy, simply to resell on EBay for large amounts of money after it’s sold out from you.
So maybe a limit of 1 or 2 of each sword per person?
A nod to the comment about letter-openers: See, this is *such* a cool idea, but I don’t really NEED a sword. What I NEED is the cooler #$$*ing letter-opener on my block–LITTLEFINGER’S DAGGER!!! Please, oh please. You can put me on that list today, and I’ll pay in advance.
Hope to see a copy of needle, my mom who hates swords said even she’d be willing to get that one.
Just wondering how high Ice is on your priority list. Seems like one that will sell the most.
Ice is a priority, originally it was going to be first, but we delayed it because of it’s size. It’ll be more expensive to produce, ship, and less people will be able to afford it. However it will still probably be atleast the 4th produced (after Longclaw, Needle, and Oathkeeper).
Well done getting the GRRM contract, I can’t wait to have my own Needle! Along with Longclaw and many other pieces I’m sure. I can already see my future library, with a big roaring fire and my collection having pride of place. Well I can dream about it at least.
Can’t wait to collect them – but would love to get my hands on Ice first!!
Great concept, truely look forward to seeing them.
Friends of mine have been running a fantastic old fashioned table top rpg in George’s world and we have developed our own blades blooded in bittersweet lore. Without question, our greatest interest not already on offer lies in customizing – since this will likely prove popular, can we expect this service? Otherwise I must solicit another smithy or learn the secrets of steel myself.
Hey this is a great idea. I know you’ve said you will make swords to use. but I am part of a re-enactment group, an i was wondering if they will be made for actual use, hitting actual steel, and not break.
I was wondering, because I am part of a re-enactment group, if these swords and armour will be made for actual use. for fighting steel on steel, and won’t break from battering them.
I also look forward to seeing your sword line. Put me on the waiting list.
if i was going to get a sword from the collection, it would have to be Oathkeeper. I’d love to see the red and black ripples in a sword.
For the 7 God’s sake, Please at least release a combat ready “needle”. I will pay the cash!
I really hope you’ll be able to reproduce the beauty of the swords, but it might be hard to stain oathkeeper with red… Well, I’m looking forward for seing Ice.
For real sword collectors, a wall hanger is ok for a few hundred bucks. But given the option of getting a 1050 or better steel, many real sword collectors will pay that 400-600 bucks. I paid $1000 for an Albion sword and $2500 for another special edition sword from Albion and I consider them real swords, capable of cutting and handling. Not to be used for live steel combat, because of the sharpness, but a REAL sword nonetheless.
Much like zorses = zebra in ASoIaF lore, is there an equivalent to Valyrian blades, not only in the steel’s pattern but in its legendary sharpness? Will there be a difference in the battle ready versions of Ice versus Jaime’s gold sword as far as sharpness and durability goes? My fiance and I are purists, and I’m looking to get one for him for a wedding present.
(Preferably Longclaw
Coooooool! Sign me up! Beware, I don’t think us fans will let you stop at limited editions.
I was soooooo excited to hear that the swords are being made- and even more so that they’re being made less than a mile from my home in East Lansing!! I’ll be waiting for Needle with baited breath…
i also cant wait to see longclaw and ice , will you be shipping to canada ??and where can i see pics of any of the swords you have made ?? ive seen a few ppl say they have seen it and i am getting jelous that i cant find one lol . also , will you be making king roberts war hammer ??
ussualy i don’t like buying swords, but sofac? i’m so going to be the first to preorder those…
personally i want longclaw, ice, needle and kingslayer.
will there be shields for the deefrent houses?
i want stark’s, graygoy’s and blackfishe’s symboles.
qustion: is there a date for the preorder?
Well, this seems like a dang good idea! I will definately buy at least Longclaw… though if I find myself with the extra money, I may well buy a replica of Ice as well.
You might consider partnering with or talking to Museum replicas in Atlanta.
They turn out very good quality usable (not stainless) weapons and are experienced with reproductions.
So… Longclaw isn’t battle ready? Why isn’t it?
GRRM fan
“Our initial goal is to produce all of the major Valyrian steel swords…as well as the prominent non-Valyrian blades such as Needle.”
since Needle is one of the priority swords, just wanted to point out that Needle WAS indeed Valyrian steel. assuming it would come up a t some point in production, but as it had not been mentioned that i had seen on the blog, thought i would.
No it wasn’t. Needle was made by Mikken, Winterfell’s resident blacksmith, on a commission from Jon Snow, the bastard 15 year old. It is standard steel.
I return from my hunt to park my arse on the Iron throne, and find this atrocity awaiting me.
You have the exclusive license. So I’m pretty sure this is somewhat against copyright Laws? Just thought that since you’re all doing Great work with the replicas that you would appreciate to know that your hard work is being sold through a third party site.
Your King,
R. Baratheon~
Thanks Robert, sorry about the boar.
But we sell wholesale as well as retail, so there are many third party sites, or brick and mortar stores, where you can find our products.
Not a problem, just thought I would let you all know. Didn’t think that selling 3rd Party was allowed if you had the Exclusive License, now I know xD
As for the boar…. Well I heard it tasted good ^_^ Looking to be purchasing my Warhammer from you very soon.
R. Baratheon~