Our “A Song of Ice and Fire” book Ice, Sword of Eddard Stark, designed working with George R.R. Martin and coming with a certificate bearing his autograph, is almost permanently sold out.

We only have around 200 left. That might seem like a lot, but when Longclaw got low we sold 100 in a single weekend. Ice could be gone before you know it.

6 Thoughts on “Ice Almost Sold Out

  1. Mark on June 6, 2012 at 1:47 pm said:

    Oh come on. Longclaw ain’t even delivered yet. I can’t afford ice until next week!! Gonna be a tense week waiting to see if there are any left or not.

  2. Danny on June 6, 2012 at 8:37 pm said:

    The HBO Ice, will that be full tang, high carbon steel, and of reasonable thickness and sturdiness?

    Also, I know it won’t come with a GRRM signed certificate of authenticity, but what will it come with? Some sort of plaque?

  3. Cristy on June 7, 2012 at 11:51 am said:

    GOOD GRIEF!! You guys are breaking me!

  4. Quick questions, approximately how many pre-orders have their been for the warhammer and is there a set shipping date yet for it?

  5. Will there ever be any more? I don’t have any money…but if I did, I would buy Ice immediately.

  6. No, once it is gone the book version of Ice will be permanently retired.

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