We’ve received word that the Damascus Longclaws will not be ready until July now. I must apologize for this delay. The factory we have contracted to make them just misjudged the amount of time it requires to make a proper Damascus blade, and our quality standards do not allow them to take any short cuts.
So, it is taking a long time, but on the other hand, it is being done right. Mixed blessing I suppose.
About half of the Damascus Longclaws are already sold to preorders by the way.
In the meantime, here is an extreme closeup of one of the blades.
Looks, great guys! Wish I had enough $$ to pre-order…Hopefully I can scrounge up enough before they all sell out!
So can they throw in or discount enough to make the semiprecious eyes worth including?
Thanks for the update, and thanks for maintaining quality. They’re done when they’re done, and they’re only done when they’re done right. The picture looks great.
Thank you very much for the update!
And, personally, I prefer to wait a few more weeks (let’s say even months) and receive a great sword (as it looks like in the concepts
Patience is a well developed attribute in every GRRM fan (or it should be!)
Absolutely amazing
Please come out with Dawn now.
The Sword of the Morning ftw.
Hey VS guys – any more updates on Damascus Longclaw? Still on target for July?
Please. I also would like to know if its still on target for july. So i can arrange a pick up for it. thx
Any update on the progress of the Damascus Longclaw would be greatly appreciated.
So, it’s July, can we expect an update when the swords are shipping?
Yeah, considering it has been over three months, we need to be told something here…..
Can you tell us when the Damascas Long Claw will start shipping?
We will be posting a large update soon, we hope to have some new pictures this week or next week, so we’re waiting for them.
Supposedly, some of them are done, by the time they actually reach customers though it will be August, because of the various logistics issues with importing and distribution. But, they’re complete. We’ll know more details soon as our associate is conducting a factory inspection in the next week.
Production has continued to be slower than us or the factory would like to be due to the difficulties of working with damascus.
Thank you for the update. I can’t speak for everyone, but as a fan of George R.R. Martin’s work, I have learned that true art requires patience from its would-be appreciators. The update is reassuring though, and makes the waiting slightly easier.
My guess is that when it comes time to produce Ice, things will go smoother, seeing as you will have gone through this process once already.
Thanks again!
Thanks for the update. Looking forward to the new pics. Is a Longclaw scabbard still a possibility? Personally, I would love one, and I’m sure others (especially damascus buyers) would be equally enthusiastic.
I also would like to have a scabbard for the damascus Longclaw.
Looking forward to the next damascus pics. Is it still in the cards to make a custom longclaw scabbard? I for one, would for a certainty get one, and I’m sure other existing Longclaw lovers and future damascus owners would jump at the opportunity. I already have the generic large sword scabbard, but judging by your trueness to the books, i’m sure you guys could come up with something truely special for us.
Keep up the wicked work.
I disagree with the scabbard supporters. Why would anyone want to conceal such a beautiful blade?
I’d love to have a scabbard.
In fact, I’d rather have a scrabbard instead of the Stark emblem wall mount.
So, we’re supposed to be getting a major update between the 13th and the 20th. We’re right in the middle of that now. However, could you explain how “issues with logistics and distribution” would cause a major delay for your domestic distribution? Where are the blades originating? I’m not trying to be argumentative or rude, but as far as I can tell, people have laid down over $30,000 (myself included) dollars so far and have not seen photos of the finished product in production form. If the Damascus Longclaw is of good quality I WILL be pre-ordering a copy of ICE in the same #, but would still like to see a bit more transparency in my high-dollar purchases.
Mitch, lots of pictures have been posted. Since preordering has been available. We don’t open preordering until product pictures are available, so no one has placed an order without seeing a picture first.
I have the prototype here. If you like I can take more pictures of it, but they won’t be as clear as the product photos already posted. It certainly does exist though.
Distribution means first we have to ship them by boat, then offload them, then put them through customs, then clear customs, then transfer them from container to truck, then truck them inland to Michigan, then sort them, put in the COAs, and process them for shipping, then UPS has to pick them up, and a week later deliver it to customers. So, when the product is actually done, it takes about 6 weeks to actually get into your hand.
Believe me, no one wants these done sooner and in your hands more than we do. Nothing would make me happier than to wake up tommorow and find out they’re all done.
I will be posting a more thorough explanation and update soon, as I have said, but it comes down to the factory we hired to make the swords overestimated the speed at which they could do hand forged damascus at the quality level we require, so the initial estimates were and continue to be way off.
Thanks for the timely response. My comment about the pictures was mainly that we hadn’t seen a picture of a production version yet. As for shipping, I was initially under the impression that the manufacturer was based in the US. I now see that I was incorrect.
Thanks again.
That thing looks like a super grainy piece of wood! I wish I could afford one!!! So jealous of everyone who’s getting one.